While in psychoanalytic psychotherapy, people typically find that both their personal relationships and their work life improve. As they understand themselves and the people in their lives better, they can live more freely. As they resolve conflicts, they have more energy than before to do the things they really want to do. They waste less time and their days become fuller. All of their feelings are dealt with and taken seriously by a skilled, compassionate analyst who is knowledgeable about emotional life. They are reassured by the fact that there is someone whose job it is to see that they don't get overwhelmed by their feelings or undone by the pressures they are under. Psychoanalytic psychotherapy aims to help you experience life more deeply, enjoy more satisfying relationships, resolve painful conflicts and better integrate all the parts of your personality. Perhaps its greatest gift is the essential freedom to change and to continue to change.
Your psychoanalyst's approach to therapy will be distinctive. Psychoanalysts focus not just on past experiences, but also on the here-and-now of the individual's experiences and relationships. Attachments, separation, and losses beginning in infancy influence one's personality, as do current context of living, working, and loving. A contemporary psychoanalytic psychotherapist is interested in mutually exploring your past and present experiences and relationships. She participates in a dialogue with to develop understandings about your life.
Psychoanalytic psychotherapy differs from other psychotherapies in its focus, depth, and method. Other therapies solve particular problems. In psychoanalysis, specific problems are viewed in the context of the whole person. The quest for self-knowledge is the most important key to changing attitudes and behavior.
Psychoanalytic psychotherapy encourages patients to take a major role in their own treatment, to work as partners with their analysts. The patient's only responsibility is to come to each session and bring up everything that comes to mind, including wishes and fears, memories and experiences, dreams and dilemmas. Of course, this is not always easy. As you feel more secure, comfort and trust grow and speaking your mind becomes easier to do. The analyst acts as your guide as your explore your inner life. Together you will examine your ideals, expectations, hopes and desires as well as your feelings of guilt, shame, doubt, or despair. This is aimed at helping you unfold your authentic self without fear of judgement or the pressure to please.
The importance of an analyst's training can not be overemphasized. It typically lasts at least six years. Most analysts have completed other academic training before they begin this course of study. They are mature, experienced and fully professional before they see patients.